

Feel Good in Your Back

The aim of this course is to try and help you get to know your body more by sharing information about the spine and specific muscles that can be irritated by prolonged sitting positions, and then attempt to correct them with feel good exercises.


Knees for Skis

Transform your winter sports experience with improved strength, balance, and injury prevention. This comprehensive 5-minute daily workout plan is designed to prepare your knees and body for the skiing season.

Free intro, paid

The Posture Makeover

Maybe you sit too long and have a hunched upper back. Or you have a specific aesthetic you'd like to achieve. This course provides the tools and techniques to change your posture with long term results.



Disk Hernia - assessment approach and therapy techniques

Discover how I might assess if someone has this ailment and what techniques I would use to help them improve their situation, whether it's acute, sub-acute or chronic.

Free, paid

Lumbar Instability - assessment approach and therapy techniques

Discover how I might assess if someone has this lower back pain and what techniques I would use to help them improve their situation, whether it's acute, sub-acute or chronic.

Free, paid

Sacroiliac Joint Pain - assessment approach and therapy techniques

Discover how I might assess if someone has this lower back pain and what techniques I would use to help them reduce their pain in the present as well as in the longer term.

Free, paid

Non-specific Lower Back Pain - assessment approach and therapy techniques

Discover how I might assess if someone has this lower back pain and what techniques I would use to help them improve their situation.

Free, paid